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Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy

“PHILOSOPHY” – The Mother of all the Disciplines. For us human beings all things started with philosophy. I feel every human being should know about philosophy from a global perspective. And I feel we should know the history of our traditions so that we can observe, understand, and change things appropriately to lead a better life.

Many people are fearful of Philosophy, there is a myth around the world that if you dive deeper into philosophy then it can make you emotionless. But actually, a Philosophy reader can handle emotions more effectively and can control the emotions in any situation.

To live a life with a mission to become a wise person, and a thirst to know this Universe, this planet, and how it evolved, how was this created, how life begins here, and from this perspective why we are so what we are today, how we dealt with nature and life in the past and how we deal with it now, and many desirable questions.

And, I think it’s the best way to lead a life, by exploring, reading, and understanding Philosophy. Everyone should, I think must know Why and how philosophy evolved and how it impacts the human race today?

What is Philosophy?

Just a thought, today we live a very comfortable and easy life, Nowadays most of our concerns are evolved around how many likes and comments on our social media posts. but think millions of years ago when life comes into the existence or to the point when homo sapiens evolved, what the scenario of life then {how they suffered}, Imagine when they first experienced rain, flood, heavy wind, and lots of other things might blew their minds, Like what is SUN, where it comes from, what is moon, what is night, what is day, what is sleep, what is wake up…… Nobody knows nothing then, all of them were full of curiosity.

And, to find answers to their curiosities, many analysis visualizations have been done by the then people after intense thinking. And in common language we call this ‘Philosophy‘ or ‘Darshan‘.

In Academic studies the defination of philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. And also, Philosophy is a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour.

In India, we call it ‘Darshan’, Darshan is actually made of up a word called “drishya”, drishya means the act of seeing, and you can see, I can see and many can, but we can’t say all are philosophers.

Seeing happens on many levels, one person can only see, and one can see, feel and express those feelings. To see something which are invisible to the naked eye makes us philosophers. In India we called it Gyan Chakshu, Divya chakshu or Pragyan, ‘Pragyan’ is considered to be the highest level of intelligence. in simple, one can see something that was not visible to him before is ‘Gyan chakshu’, and it happens, many can’t believe this. But, Until we go deep we feel that there is no depth in the world.

Many peoples will argue and deny such things like Gyan chakshu and people says many ugly things about this, but it happens that a foolish person talks a lot, slowely when you start understanding, you start speaking less, you can understand that the depth is not only within us, deeper than us there are countless peoples in the world. there is a proverb – there are peoples who can read between the lines.

Speaking the language of philosophy that whatever we understand in the world, we understand in categories like, yes/no, good/bad, After a time now the situation of thinking free from these categories come in, that’s called pragayan or gyan chakshu achievement or realization.

It’s easy to reject something but it’s very difficult to think deeper and deeper and then find out which is right and which is wrong on the basis of wisdom is the sign of a wise person.

Here we will discuss things that are proven or approved by science, I’m not a blind believer, and I will not write any blind beliefs here, so let’s understand how philosophy begins.

History of Human Evolution

To read and know what is philosophy, let’s know when and how it first evolved, first of all, according to the big bang theory this universe was comes into existence 13.8 billion years ago, and The Planet Earth comes into existence 4.5 billion years ago.

And, According to science 3.7 billion years ago life first comes into existence on this planet, and about 1 to 1.2 billion years ago there are species at that time called primates are believed to be divided into two classes, one group was called great apes and another group of that primates comes to land from trees and becomes two-legged animals from four-legged.

Human Evolution

And, 2.5 million years ago homo-habilis evolved from those biped primates, and 0.3 million years ago (3 lakhs years ago) Homo sapiens evolved, and 70K years ago cognitive revolution happens.

The cognitive revolution means the evolution of imagination, intelligence, and memory in the then humans, from this cognitive revolution we humans created language, family, and society.

10K years ago there is another revolution happened called the Neolithic revolution(simply called the agricultural revolution), Then we understood how we can cultivate and then humans realize that they can live in one place there is no need to roam around in search of food and there is no need to hunt for food, and from this revolution when humans got foods easily at one place they started to live together at one place, make families, make groups, villages and so on.

And, from this point forward philosophy comes to human life…..

Here I quickly wind up things, so that we can learn more about philosophy in a short period of time, I tried my best to write my learnings in the English language, but I feel I lack at some points in this article, I will try to do a podcast on this article in the Hindi language soon if my time permits then.

So, in the next post, we will discuss Indian Philosophy. For now you can browse other interesting articles/blogs on this website – Happy Hormones, Is there any way to manually trigger them?

Manas Ranjan Sahoo
Manas Ranjan Sahoo

I’m Manas Ranjan Sahoo: Founder of “Webtirety Software”. I’m a Full-time Software Professional and an aspiring entrepreneur, dedicated to growing this platform as large as possible. I love to Write Blogs on Software, Mobile applications, Web Technology, eCommerce, SEO, and about My experience with Life.

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