I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World

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‘Underwater’ and ‘Click Synth Soft Bell Piano’ by Nina Richards https://www.ninarichards.co.uk/

Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion
Lily Alexandre, Fear of Trans Bodies
Lily Alexandre, The Feminist to Far-Right Pipeline
Fran Amery, “Protecting Children in ‘Gender Critical’ Rhetoric and Strategy: Regulating Childhood for Cisgender Outcomes,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
Mira Bellwether, F*****g Trans Women
Talia Mae Bettcher, “Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers,” in Hypatia
Haley Marie Brown, “The Forgotten Murders: Gendercide in the Twenty-First Century and the Destruction of the Transgender Body,” in Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide?
Shelley Budgeon, “Identity as an Embodied Event,” in Body & Society
Judith Butler, Excitable Speech
Judith Butler, Gender Trouble
Judith Butler, “Imitation and Gender Subordination”
Judith Butler, Precarious Life
Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender?
Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory,” in Theatre Journal
Andrea Long Chu, “Freedom of Sex: The Moral Case for Letting trans Kids Change Their Bodies,” in The New Yorker
Caelen Conrad, “Gender Critical: Conversion Therapy”
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
Julia Dauksza et al., “Salve Maria, Or Millions Made in Poland,” in VSquare
Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Boys of Fatima,” in VSquare
Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Lion Roars from Cracow,” in VSquare
Petula Dvorak, “LGBTQ+ Teens Won A Grant for Their School. Adults Sent the Money Back.,” in The Washington Post
Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality
Agnieszka Graff and Elzbieta Korolczuk, Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment
Mauro Cabal Grinspan et al., “Exploring TERFnesses,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
Virginia Guitzel, “Notes from Brazil,” in Transgender Marxism
Sally Haslanger, “Feminism in Metaphysics,” in Resisting Reality
Claire C.A. House, “‘I’m Real, Not You’: Roles and Discourse of Trans Exclusionary Women’s and Feminist Movements in Anti-Gender and Right-Wing Populist Politics,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
Innuendo Studios, “Endnote 5: A Case Study in Digital Radicalisation”
Eleanor Janega, The Once and Future Sex
Julia Kristeva, “Woman Can Never Be Defined,” trans. Marilyn A. August, in New French Feminism
Harry Lambert, “Rosie Duffield: “You Never Change Sex”,” in The New Statesman
Stephanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer, “‘Gender Ideology’ in Austria: Coalitions Around an Empty Signifier,” in Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe
Michael Naas, “Comme si, comme ca,” in Derrida From Now On
Leah Owen, “Parasitically occupying bodies: Exploring toxifying securitization in antitrans and genocidal ideologies,” in Peace Review
Alison Rumfitt, Brainwyrms
Julia Serano, Sexed Up
Julia Serano, Whipping Girl
Shaun, J.K. Rowling’s New Friends
Shaun, Kelly Jay Keen and the Neo-Nazis
Shaun, Palestine
Laura J. Shepherd and Laura Sjoberg, “Trans-Bodies in/of War(s): Cisprivilege and Contemporary Security Strategy,” in Feminist Review
C. Riley Snorton, Black on Both Sides
Darin Tenev, “La Déconstruction en enfant: the Concept of Phantasm in the Work of Derrida”
Monique Wittig, “One is Not Born A Woman”

00:00 – 02:31 Introduction
02:31 – 04:10 “I’m You From the Future”
04:10 – 10:15 Judith Butler and Performativity
10:15 – 10:42 “Just listen to me!”
10:42 – 20:33 Biology & Social Constructs
20:33 – 36:52 “Politics in the future gets weird!”
36:52 – 55:29 the Anti-Gender Movement
55:29 – 57:08 “The personal is political”
57:08 – 1:04:37 What can we do?
1:04:37 – 1:15:08 This is what we can do.

#books #philosophy

Manas Ranjan Sahoo
Manas Ranjan Sahoo

I’m Manas Ranjan Sahoo: Founder of “Webtirety Software”. I’m a Full-time Software Professional and an aspiring entrepreneur, dedicated to growing this platform as large as possible. I love to Write Blogs on Software, Mobile applications, Web Technology, eCommerce, SEO, and about My experience with Life.

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