Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared critical details about the attack on her husband, Saif Ali Khan, during the early hours of Thursday. In her statement to Bandra Police on Friday evening, she revealed how Saif intervened to protect the women in their house and their younger son, Jeh, from the “very aggressive” attacker. As per a report by India Today, the intruder managed to enter their 11th-floor Bandra residence and confronted a maid before being stopped by Saif. As the situation escalated, Saif sustained severe injuries, including a knife wound to his spine, which required immediate surgery.
“Saif Ali Khan prevented attacker from reaching Jeh,” reveals Kareena Kapoor Khan in her police statement: Report
Details of Attack on Saif Ali Khan
Kareena’s statement confirmed that Saif Ali Khan’s quick response ensured the safety of their children and others in the house. “Saif was the first to intervene and prevented the attacker from reaching Jeh. The women and children were moved to the 12th floor for their safety,” Kareena told the police. Despite the intruder’s aggression, valuables such as jewellery left in the open were untouched. Following the attack, Kareena’s sister Karisma Kapoor took her and the children to her residence, while Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital.
Police Investigation Underway
The Mumbai Police have intensified their investigation into the attack. Over 30 statements have been recorded, and CCTV footage from the Bandra area has been seized. Currently, three suspects are being interrogated, but no arrests have been made. In addition, 20 police teams and 10 Crime Branch teams have been deployed to solve the case. Authorities are working around the clock to identify and apprehend the perpetrator.
Doctors at Lilavati Hospital successfully performed surgery on Saif Ali Khan, removing a 2.5-inch knife blade from his spine and repairing a spinal fluid leak. While the actor remains under observation, his condition is stable. Kareena expressed her gratitude to the medical team and the police for their swift action in managing the crisis.
Kareena and Saif, who have been married since 2012, share two sons, Taimur and Jeh. Reflecting on the incident, Kareena’s concern for her family’s safety is evident. “We were all shaken, but Saif’s bravery kept us safe,” she shared earlier in a social media post.
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