The disappearance of Gurucharan Singh, the actor who portrayed the beloved character of Roshan Singh Sodhi in the popular show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has taken a mysterious turn. After being missing for over 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks), News 18 Showsha report suggests that the actor may have orchestrated his own vanishing act.
Police suggests that former TMKOC actor Gurucharan Singh may have planned his own disappearance: Report
Police sources in Delhi told the publication, “He left his phone in the Palam area. We are trying to find but it only makes it more difficult for us to trace Gurucharan Singh, because this means that the phone is not with the actor. In the CCTV footage we recovered that he was seen moving from one e-rickshaw to another. Looks like he had planned everything and has moved out of Delhi.”
Gurucharan Singh, aged 50, was last seen on April 22, and his father filed a missing complaint four days later, stating, “My son Gurucharan Singh, aged 50 years, had left at 8:30 am on 22nd April to go to Mumbai. He went to the airport to catch a flight. He didn’t reach Mumbai, neither has he returned home, and his phone is not reachable. He is mentally stable and we had been searching for him but now he has been missing.”
The actor’s disappearance has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with his co-stars and the show’s producer expressing concern and disbelief. As the investigation continues, the possibility of Gurucharan Singh orchestrating his own disappearance raises more questions than answers. The authorities are now faced with the daunting task of unraveling the mystery behind his actions and determining his whereabouts. The case has gripped the nation, leaving fans and colleagues of the beloved actor anxiously awaiting updates and hoping for his safe return.
Also Read: Former Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah star Gurucharan Singh goes missing
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