From Moong to Masoor: How to choose the best lentil as per your health needs

From Moong to Masoor: How to choose the best lentil as per your health needs


, a staple food in Indian households, offer diverse health benefits, with each type catering to specific conditions and body needs. Because each type of


has distinct nutritional qualities, it can be used to treat a range of illnesses and physiological requirements. These lowly legumes are vital for maintaining general health, from improving digestion to treating long-term conditions. Let’s examine how various lentil varieties can improve your diet and help you achieve your health objectives.

Moong dal

The vibrant and bright moong dal is the safest and lightest among them, making it perfect for daily consumption when soaked overnight and cooked with cumin, garlic, turmeric, and ghee. Furthermore, moong dal can help with jaundice, sleeplessness, and restlessness.

Masoor dal

Masoor dal offers Pitta-balancing qualities that benefit your liver. This dal is also an excellent substitute for toor dal, which is not suggested for everyday intake since it may easily cause Vata imbalance and dryness of the stomach, hair, and skin. Furthermore, if you have been experiencing kidney stones and irregular periods, you should incorporate masoor dal into your diet.

Horse gram dal

According to Dr. Debjani Banerjee, Incharge Dietetics, PSRI Hospital, New Delhi, “Horse Gram Dal, also known as Kulthi Dal, contains Pitta-boosting qualities that are ideal for breaking kidney stones and combating insulin resistance. If you suffer from constipation, poor-quality eggs, or joint discomfort, consider including horse gram dal in your regular diet. Furthermore, the specialist recommends that if you have a lot of blood accumulating in your uterus, consume horse gram dal for heat and push.”

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Urad dal

Urad dal, unlike the other dals, has completely opposite properties. It is slimy, wet, and certainly not drying in nature. If you suffer from osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, experts recommend that you consume urad dal in your regular diet. Eating this dal promotes bulk stool production and improves blood flow.


Not exactly a dal, but chickpeas or chhole are often eaten with rice like other lentils. If you want to lose weight, chickpeas can help you get into shape. These aid in the drying of fat cells due to their highly drying nature and Vata’s aggravating qualities.

10 best foods to eat for thyroid health

Manas Ranjan Sahoo
Manas Ranjan Sahoo

I’m Manas Ranjan Sahoo: Founder of “Webtirety Software”. I’m a Full-time Software Professional and an aspiring entrepreneur, dedicated to growing this platform as large as possible. I love to Write Blogs on Software, Mobile applications, Web Technology, eCommerce, SEO, and about My experience with Life.

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